The School of Music is open to all.
All tuition will be on the premises of Redeemer Baptist School unless the School of Music deems otherwise. The majority of classes will be held from 3:30pm but other times may be established by mutual agreement.
For students of Redeemer Baptist School, music tuition fees will be separate from and in addition to Redeemer Baptist School tuition fees.
Music tuition fees will be invoiced each term by the School of Music and must be paid to the School of Music when the account is issued each term.
Any provision of music, or fees for examinations, will be in addition to tuition fees and will be included in the statement of fees.
Fees for 2023 will be $510 per term (one half-hour lesson each week). Rates may be higher for advanced students, and as agreed by parents and the School of Music.
Students involved in instrumental studies in Year 5 and above may elect to join a Musicianship/Music Craft class. Lessons for Musicianship/Music Craft will be charged separately.
Lessons missed through the pupil's non-attendance will be charged unless the circumstances, in the opinion of the School of Music, warrant a special concession. Lessons cancelled by the School of Music will be carried forward.
Notice to discontinue lessons must be given one term in advance, otherwise the fees for that term must be paid.
Parents accept that the School of Music will, at its discretion, either enter or withhold students for examinations and competitions as it deems suitable for each stage of the student's progress.
Continuation of enrolment of students in the School of Music will be at the discretion of the School of Music.
All enquiries, correspondences and payments should be addressed to Redeemer Baptist School.